有机金属簇合物由于具有特殊的氧化还原性能、电子迁移性能、导电性能、催化性能、光电性能和磁学性能而备受关注[1]。第ⅣA 族元......
Nitrogenous particle participation in the formation of clusters has attracted much attention from numerous researchers f......
【Abstract】Medical terminology consists of so many new words and terms that medical students often have difficulty in l......
Theoretical calculations are performed to study the nature of the hydrogen bonds in complexes HCHO···HNO,......
The insertion and abstraction reaction mechanisms of singlet and triplet CCl2 with CH3MH (M=O, S) have been studied by u......
Thirteen thiomorpholine-bearing compounds were designed and synthesized as dipeptidyl peptidase IV(DPP-IV) inhibitors, w......
In this study,we aimed to determine the radiation parameters of some potential bioactive compounds.1-Aryl-3-dibenzylamin......
A dynamic model for exploring water-resource management scenarios in an inland arid area: Shanshan C
Water scarcity is a challenge in many arid and semi-arid regions; this may lead to a series of environmental problems an......
Improving blood pressure control through a clinical pharmacist outreach program in Diabetes patients
Background Even in high performing health systems, some diabetes patients have poor blood pressure (BP) control due to p......
The present study aimed to determine the mechanism of cation-selective secretion by multicellular salt glands.Using a hy......
Background The prognostic value of serum C-reactive protein(CRP) in patients with infective endocarditis(IE) is not well......
As the largest pillar industry of Chifeng industrial economy, metallurgical industry offers half of industrial added val......
Effect of a specialized injury prevention program on static balance, dynamic balance and kicking acc
AIM To study the effect of balance intervention program using the “FIFA 11+” program on static and dynamic balance and......
企业档案AIM Group International是加拿大、香港注册的跨国品牌。广州总部聚集了260余名国际国内专业人才,形成涵盖项目策划、城......
AIM是由 AOL(America Online)所发展的网络聊天软件,功能跟ICQ相似,目前已是Netscape Communicator的标准元件,在你安装Netscape ......
3月27日,“商业改变城市”——概念商业广场国际建筑设计竞赛专业组作品评审会成功举办。AIM亚美作品“Green Belt”在全球征集的3......
AIM:Portal hypertension is a common complication ofliver cirrhosis.Intrahepatic pressure can be elevatedin several ways......
美国船舶公司计划开始改进 AH—1直升机,使之明年将装备雷锡恩/福特航宇两公司的 AIM—9L 导弹,从而获得空对空防卫的能力。控制......
据“美国“每日宇航新闻”报道,由美国休斯飞机公司作主承包商进行研制的“不死鸟”AIM—54C 空对空导弹首次远距离发射成功,这是......
1981年10月27日,休斯公司首次为军方提供了海军“不死鸟”AIM—54C 空对空导弹生产样弹。该公司声称,“不死鸟”AIM—54C 空对空......
引言 1977年,利用最佳控制理论,对AIM—9型近距空对空导弹(AAM)的制导规律进行了改进研究。在瞄准误差较小和目标作大机动水平飞......
根据有关美国改进型的空对空导弹AIM—7F 和先进“麻雀”与 AIM—7E 和AIM—7E—2的报导,它们之间的性能比较可以整理归纳如下:1......
休斯公司正在研究一种装有焦面阵红外成像导引头的空空导弹,该弹可能就是 AIM-9X,弹长115英寸,直径5.6英寸。最近对焦面阵探测器......
Rapid progress in high-throughput biotechnologies (e.g. microarrays) and exponential accumulation of gene functional kno......
A single nucleotide polymorphism in the Epstein-Barr virus genome is strongly associated with a high
Background:Epstein-Barr virus(EBV) commonly infects the general population and has been associated with nasopharyngeal c......
Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC),the first enzyme of polyamine biosynthesis,was found toincrease in cancer cells,especiall......